The multimodal carriage of goods in the unimodal regulation

  • Pablo Lizarreta Barrios
Keywords: Transport, multimodal, damage, liability


The carriage of goods can be carried out either by multimodal transport or unimodal transport. In the absence of its own regulation, the legal framework of the unimodal regulation applies to multimodal transportation. In this project we will analyse the main problems of the multimodal transportation in the current legal framework, focusing on the difficulties of damages that cannot be localized and the reluctance of carriers to establish a uniform set of multimodal rules. Thus, we will examine the provisions regarding multimodal transport included in international agreements and in the national laws of unimodal transport, emphasizing on the liability of the carrier, which changes substantially not only from one means of transport to another, but from one regulation to another. 

Published online: 30 July 2017


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How to Cite
Lizarreta Barrios, Pablo. 2017. “The Multimodal Carriage of Goods in the Unimodal Regulation”. Estudios De Deusto 65 (1), 363-400.
Premio «Juan Churruca»