The election of the Italian parliament: constitutional limits and political requirements

  • Giampietro Ferri
Keywords: Italian Parliament, electoral system, Constitution, political parties, reforms


The essay deals with the electoral systems of the Chambers in Republican Italy. The first part of the essay offers an historical overview, explaining the reasons for which a proportional system was initially adopted, and remained in force for many decades. Subsequently, it sets out the reasons that led to the 1993 transition to a predominantly majority system. The second part deals with current events. Starting from the very important decision of the Constitutional Court n. 1/2014, which declared unconstitutional the electoral system of the Chambers introduced by a 2005 Act, the Law 52/2015, which introduced the new electoral system of the Chamber of Deputies (the Italicum). The essay concludes with some reflections on the Senate election system, envisaged by the constitutional reform in progress, and on the hypothesis of a further change in the electoral system. This change, according to some, would be necessary since the Italicum is not be suitable to today’s Italian political system, which is characterized by the presence of three major political parties (Democratic Party, Movimento 5 Stelle, and the center-right alliance). 

Published online: 29 December 2016


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How to Cite
Ferri, Giampietro. 2016. “The Election of the Italian Parliament: Constitutional Limits and Political Requirements”. Estudios De Deusto 64 (2), 15-42.