The right on access to public information in Spain and the Netherlands. Two improbable scenarios

  • Manuel Sánchez de Diego Fernández de la Riva
  • Laura Tejedor Fuentes
Keywords: data access, access to information, constitution, transparency, transparency act


The Netherlands past its law on access to information twentyfive years ago, Spain only three years ago. The law»s third anniversary is a good moment to think about its implementation and the things to improve of both legislations such as the lack of entailment to fundamental rights, the absence of a mention of transparency in both Constitutions, the long periods to answer and the absence of effective control agencies. Consequently, we pretend to do a constructive contribution from a comparative and qualitative study. Thus highlighting the improvement of Spain»s position according to requirements established by the Open Government Partnership, but remarking the importance of continuing progressing. 

Published online: 29 December 2016


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How to Cite
Sánchez de Diego Fernández de la Riva, Manuel, and Laura Tejedor Fuentes. 2016. “The Right on Access to Public Information in Spain and the Netherlands. Two Improbable Scenarios”. Estudios De Deusto 64 (2), 305-43.