Conventionality Control and multilevel tutoring of rights

  • Manuel Fondevila Marón
Keywords: Constitutional International Law, Treaties position, Protocols n.º 15 and 16


In the present paper, we make a comparative study of the diffuse control of conventionality in Latin America and the incipient concentrated control of conventionality, which, with the approval of protocols 15 and 16, is trying to establish itself within the scope of the European Human Rights protection system. We hold, in particular, the thesis that diffuse control is possible in European countries, and specifically in Spain, and that the ordinary judge must carry out a triple or quadruple study of the law before its application. 

Published online: 30 July 2017


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How to Cite
Fondevila Marón, Manuel. 2017. “Conventionality Control and Multilevel Tutoring of Rights”. Estudios De Deusto 65 (1), 347-60.