The net neutrality principle on the internet. A contribution to the freedom of communication on the internet from the thought of Francisco de Vitoria

  • José J. Albert Márquez Universidad de Córdoba (España)
Keywords: Net neutrality, Ius communicationis, Commons


The relevance that the Internet has today to receive and issue messages makes that any limitation to a regime that was born under the parameter of freedom be seen with concern. At present, it is questioned that all the information that transits through the network must do so at the same speed, and that it is the companies that carry out the transport service or the governments themselves who decide in what terms access to the Internet is limited. In the sixteenth century, Francisco de Vitoria argued that there is a natural right among all people to communication in society, a principle that today would be a serious argument in favor of freedom in the network and the neutrality of companies and governments in this point.

Received: 30 October 2018
Accepted21 Novembre 2018
Published online: 27 December 2018


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How to Cite
Albert Márquez, José J. 2018. “The Net Neutrality Principle on the Internet. A Contribution to the Freedom of Communication on the Internet from the Thought of Francisco De Vitoria”. Estudios De Deusto 66 (2), 71-103.
Cuestiones de teoría general de derechos fundamentales