The role of public administration on the establishment of the content of health care professionals right to conscientious objection in the context of «new rights»: the cases of abortion and euthanasia

  • Marta Albert Márquez Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (España)
Keywords: Public Administration, Conscientious Objection, Abortion, Euthanasia


The paper analyses the role of public administration on the establishment of the content and entitlement of the right to conscientious objection. It focuses on conscientious objection of health care professionals in the context of «new rights» as abortion or euthanasia, and the establishment, through administrative acts, of who is able to become objector and how he or she should indicate his or her condition. Hereunder, the experience on objection to abortion is used to analyse and value the legal regulation of health care professionals conscientious objection in the euthanasia recent legislative proposal.

Received: 30 October 2018
Accepted21 November 2018
Published online: 27 December 2018


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How to Cite
Albert Márquez, Marta. 2018. “The Role of Public Administration on the Establishment of the Content of Health Care Professionals Right to Conscientious Objection in the Context of «new rights»: The Cases of Abortion and Euthanasia”. Estudios De Deusto 66 (2), 153-89.
Administración pública y derechos fundamentales