The Government functions exercised by the constitutional jurisdiction. Its an acceptable modification of the Theory of powers separation by a Constitutional Chamber? The Case of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela

  • Emilio J. Urbina Mendoza Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Venezuela)
Keywords: Constitutional Chamber, Government acts, Statements, constitutional jurisdiction


That investigation carefully reviews, from 2016 to the present day, the reinterpretation of the principle of separation of powers carried out by the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice, assuming the latter, exclusive governmental functions of the Executive, using mechanisms classics of the constitutional jurisdiction. This form of reinterpretation, has generated acts of government covered with the formalities and consequences of the sentence as a jurisdictional act. Through the jurisdiction, the Constitutional Chamber introduces us again to the so often criticized manifestation of Power: the government of the judges.

Received: 30 October 2018
Accepted21 November 2018
Published online: 27 December 2018


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How to Cite
Urbina Mendoza, Emilio J. 2018. “The Government Functions Exercised by the Constitutional Jurisdiction. Its an Acceptable Modification of the Theory of Powers Separation by a Constitutional Chamber? The Case of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela”. Estudios De Deusto 66 (2), 461-97.