Political will for a time of reforms: Previous conditions to address a constitutional reform

  • Alexandre H. Catala i Bas Universitat de València
Keywords: Constitutional reform, Debate, Rationality, Consensus, Loyalty, Constituent process


The vast majority of Spaniards is in favor of a constitutional reform. Before the undertaking of this reform, there are some previous conditions that need to be granted: a rational debate on ideas; a reduction of the political and social tension; a common goodwill to reach a consensus; and some loyalty during negotiations. As many other scholars, the author agrees that instead of talking about a constitutional reform, it would be more adequate to talk about some constitutional reforms, that should be undertaken gradually. He also stresses that these reforms do not imply the opening of a new constituent process. In addition, he underlines the fact that the Catalan crisis should not be the trigger or impose any condition on the proposed reforms to the Constitution.
Taking into account the current political context in Spain, the author mixes references to Legal doctrine with references and quotes to statements made by politicians in interviews or parliamentary sessions, as well as journalistic articles and statistical data from official sources.

Received: 30.05.2019
Accepted: 16.12.2019
Published online: 31.12.2019



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Author Biography

Alexandre H. Catala i Bas, Universitat de València

Profesor Titular Derecho Constitucional

How to Cite
Catala i Bas, Alexandre H. 2019. “Political Will for a Time of Reforms: Previous Conditions to Address a Constitutional Reform”. Estudios De Deusto 67 (2), 205-34. https://doi.org/10.18543/ed-67(2)-2019pp205-234.