The «Spanish competition authorities network»: the opportunities of a descentralizated system to grow up in efficiency

  • José Antonio Rodríguez Miguez
Keywords: Competition Law, antitrust Law, World Trade Organizatrion (WTO), International Competition Network (ICN), European Competition Network (ICN)


This paper analyzes the role of competition networks in an efficient application of antitrust rules with a view to achieving international regulatory framework; without sprading out the possibility of reaching consensus necessary to articulate an authority able to resolve any conflicts with an international dimension.

Their joint study will allow us not only to know them better; but to learn from their experience; in order to set the most efficient manner possible a true Spanish Network of Competition Authorities.

Published online: 13 July 2015


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Miguez, José Antonio. 2015. “The «Spanish Competition Authorities network»: The Opportunities of a Descentralizated System to Grow up in Efficiency”. Estudios De Deusto 63 (1), 105-29.
Special Issue