Liquid democracy, an alternative to classical politics? A contextual study

  • Gabriele Vestri
Keywords: liquid democracy, virtual parliament, proxy voting, democratic issue, participation


Re-constructing the issue of democracy using participatory democracy systems, has been discussed for a while. Liquid Democracy uses technology and Internet to try to build a new way to understand public policies. The proxy voting and the establishment of a virtual parliament, represent two elements to carry out the criteria of liquid democracy. This work, addressing the state of the society of knowledge where democracy turns liquid, try to analyze a reality that even with it’s immature condition, may have the ability to innovatively review the concept of participatory politics.

Published online: 13 July 2015


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How to Cite
Vestri, Gabriele. 2015. “Liquid Democracy, an Alternative to Classical Politics? A Contextual Study”. Estudios De Deusto 63 (1), 403-22.