A United States of Europe? Mapping and Designing Constitution-Making for Europe

  • Diego Gonzalez Cadenas Universitat de València
Keywords: European Union, constituent power, constitution-making, treaty revision, democratic legitimacy


In recent times, scholars, public intellectuals, political and social movements and prominent European political leaders of different ideological orientations have called for a United States of Europe. From their point of view, facing the EU legitimacy crisis requires a democratic renewal through a constituent process. However, these statements have not been accompanied by a specific design on how to institute this new European Constitution. To discuss possible ways to operationalize this idea, this paper presents the chief formulations of the European constituent power and its translation into a concrete constitution-making design.

Received: 16.06.2020
Accepted: 21.12.2020


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Author Biography

Diego Gonzalez Cadenas, Universitat de València

Departamento Derecho Constitucional, Ciencia Política y de la Administración

How to Cite
Gonzalez Cadenas, Diego. 2020. “A United States of Europe? Mapping and Designing Constitution-Making for Europe”. Estudios De Deusto 68 (2), 141-67. https://doi.org/10.18543/ed-68(2)-2020pp141-167.