The constitutional dimension of the European Union budgetary power

  • Antonio-Martín Porras Gómez
Keywords: European Union (EU), Supranationality, Constitutionalism, EU budget


In the context of the debate on the changes that contemporary constitutionalism is experiencing, a prominent place is occupied by the extension of constitutionalism to sociopolitical realities that go beyond the state. This article aims to investigate the sociopolitical morphology of these new constitutional realities, using the specific case of the European Union (EU) and its budgetary power as an empirical lens through which to explore the conceptual contours of supranational constitutionalism. It aims basically to answer two questions: what is supranationality and what relation does this concept have with respect to constitutionalism? And, to what extent does the European budget reflect a supranational power inscribed within a constitutional framework?

The article is structured around three sections. First, it takes a theoretical approach tosupranationality. Secondly, it describes the European budgetary system, which will be analyzed through the concept ofsupranationality, pondering the extent to which it responds to a supranational power scheme. Finally, the last section summarizes the most relevant formal and empirical propositions raised.

Published online: 13 November 2014


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How to Cite
Porras Gómez, Antonio-Martín. 2014. “The Constitutional Dimension of the European Union Budgetary Power”. Estudios De Deusto 62 (1), 191-212.