The consultative referendum in Spain: critical remarks and some proposals for the future

  • Paloma Requejo Rodríguez
Keywords: Participation, Referendum, Spain


The current referendum regulation in Article 92 SC and the organic law that develops it have some shortcomings worthy of reflection. Beyond improving specific procedural issues, in terms of democratic quality it seems appropriate to empower it, by incorporating beside these consultations of particularly important political decisions, legislative state referendums and a reference to other local or regional referendums, allowing the citizenship to implement these instruments of direct participation. Several proposals in the pipeline follow this path, in spite of the possibility of making any suggestions to the debate, as here we will try to do.

Published online: 13 November 2014


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How to Cite
Requejo Rodríguez, Paloma. 2014. “The Consultative Referendum in Spain: Critical Remarks and Some Proposals for the Future”. Estudios De Deusto 62 (1), 261-84.