The European Parliament seat in Strasbourg called into question. May it be the last assault in its struggle with Brussels?

  • Ana María San Miguel Osaba
Keywords: Parliamentary seat, single seat, plenary sessions period, committees, parliamentary groups, general registry


Pursuant to the Treaty provisions, the European Parliament has its seat at the city of Strasbourg, where the twelve monthly part sessions should be held, being Brussels the meeting place for the Parliamentary committees and the additional plenary part-sessions. The necessity of moving every month between both cities, not only the members of the Europarliament but also the translators, secretaries and the rest of the necessary staff, together with the corresponding documentation, has caused a clearly unsatisfactory situation which has raised many voices for establishing a single seat for parliamentary works, favoring clearly the city of Brussels, which has given rise on the other side to the logical French reaction advocating for the the maintenance of the Alsatian capital as one seat. The frequently difficult relationship between the parliamentary institution and the Member States’ governments has also obliged the European Court of Justice to decide on this issue several times. We are going to analyze the development of this conflict, with reference to the arguments put forward by the partisans of either option so as to study the last decision adopted by the chamber in its plenary session of 23rd November 2013, which meant a new setback to the interest of France of preserving Strasbourg as one of the seats.

Published online: 13 November 2014


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How to Cite
San Miguel Osaba, Ana María. 2014. “The European Parliament Seat in Strasbourg Called into Question. May It Be the Last Assault in Its Struggle With Brussels?”. Estudios De Deusto 62 (1), 311-45.