Female participation on corporate boards: an approach to the proposal for a Directive of November 2012 on improving male and female balance in companies

  • Maoly Carrasquero Cepeda
Keywords: quotas, female representation, corporate boards, equality


The present work examines, from the legal point of view, the female representation in the corporate boards in companies. To address this topic a comparative analysis was made between the European Directive Proposal (approved, with some controversy, on November 14th, 2012) and the Spanish regulation, pointing out some of their similarities and differences. At the same time, arguments about the supposed infringement of the equity and free enterprise rights are studied, in order to estimate the convenience of the quotas for the improvement of the women’s situation in the economic decision making.

Published online: 13 November 2014


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How to Cite
Carrasquero Cepeda, Maoly. 2014. “Female Participation on Corporate Boards: An Approach to the Proposal for a Directive of November 2012 on Improving Male and Female Balance in Companies”. Estudios De Deusto 62 (1), 349-70. https://doi.org/10.18543/ed-62(1)-2014pp349-370.