The unification of the European family law: chimera or reality?

  • María Goñi Rodríguez de Almeida
Keywords: Family law, European law, European family law harmonization


This study analyzes the evolution of unification or harmonization of European family law over the years, trying to conclude whether or not, it is really possible to achieve it, and if so, which steps must be taken. Starting from the initial difficulties that matter itself leads to the homogenization, the way it is carried out is examined, both in the formal or procedural aspect of competence, recognition and enforcement of judgments, as in material or substantive aspect in family matter. To do this, we study both the European regulations and the common European principles in family law, as well as the most relevant doctrinal views on this difficult path of the approach of legislations.

Published online: 23 December 2014


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How to Cite
Rodríguez de Almeida, María Goñi. 2014. “The Unification of the European Family Law: Chimera or Reality?”. Estudios De Deusto 62 (2), 235-86.