The Dispositive Principle: Reasons for its abolition and Reform Proposals

  • Mar Antonino de la Cámara Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Keywords: Dispositive principle, Autonomies Statutes, constitutional reform, sources of law, deconstitutionalisation.


The article relates the proposals for reform of Title VIII of the Spanish Constitution that affect the regulation of the Statutes of Autonomy with the closure of the dispositive principle after the STC 31/2010, of June 28. For this purpose, I divide the doctrinal debate on the Statutes of Autonomy into three stages: the first stage, relating to the hybrid nature of the Statutes and the consolidation of the dispositive principle. A second stage in which the dispositive principle enters into crisis and the ambiguity that characterized the Statutes is broken down. The last phase, which extends to the present, culminates with the proposals for constitutional reform that affect the Statutes of Autonomy. The aim is to provide the reader with a clear and complete overview of the transformation of the debates on the Statutes of Autonomy in recent decades.

Received: 15.07.2022
Accepted: 13.10.2022


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Author Biography

Mar Antonino de la Cámara, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Contratada predoctoral

How to Cite
de la Cámara, Mar Antonino. 2022. “The Dispositive Principle: Reasons for Its Abolition and Reform Proposals”. Estudios De Deusto 70 (2), 15-47.