An approach to Jurisprudence about the exception to the exception of “interference with the security interests” of a foreign State in the dismissal proceedings in Spain

  • Óscar García Maceiras Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Keywords: Jurisdiction immunities, “Iure imperii” acts, “Iure gestionis” acts, Labor contracts, Interference with the security interests of a foreign State, Competent authorities


The Organic Law 16/2015 rules in Spain the jurisdiction immunity of foreign States under the principle of accepting such immunities but with several exceptions. One of those exceptions is related to labor contracts but has itself several exceptions being one of them that concerning to “interference with the security interests” of a foreign State. A recent ruling by the Spanish Supreme Court has clarified the meaning of the exception, overcoming previous and contradictory rulings made by the Madrid High Court of Justice.

Received: 07.07.2022
Accepted: 12.10.2022


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Author Biography

Óscar García Maceiras, Universidad San Pablo-CEU

Investigador Predoctoral CEINDO

How to Cite
García Maceiras, Óscar. 2022. “An Approach to Jurisprudence about the Exception to the Exception of ‘interference With the Security interests’ of a Foreign State in the Dismissal Proceedings in Spain”. Estudios De Deusto 70 (2), 255-76.
Case Law