Transformative will of the democratic syndicate

  • Manuel Mª Zorrilla Ruiz
Keywords: Help, contribution, control, transformer effort, proper interests, public powers


The Spanish Constitucional system conceives the labour union as an agent of the transformer effort required to perform the social change. The freedom exercised by the labour union must be real and effective, without incurring in historic vagueness and undertaking the spirit of the change. The estructure of the trade unions includes the figure of the classic composition or delegate democracy, the workers assemblies, the unitary representations and some unions without personality. The transformation means that the trade union appropriates the new interests which must be protected to reach a more equal and free society. The trade union pursuits this task connecting with the public powers which, after the necessary controls, help these initiatives. 

Published online: 04 December 2014


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How to Cite
Zorrilla Ruiz, Manuel Mª. 2014. “Transformative Will of the Democratic Syndicate”. Estudios De Deusto 59 (1), 277-308.