The origin and development of the Social Security: a materialist approach

  • José Andrés Álvarez Patallo Universidad de Deusto
Keywords: Social Security, Labor Law, Materialism, idealism


This article analyses the origin and development of Social Security from a materialist perspective, contrary to idealism. Idealism supports that the mental representation, of any kind, is what makes true reality. On the other hand, materialism is based on the ideological opposite methodological assumption based on the principles that material reality configures the ideas. The first conclusion to be made is that Social Security was born because of salary independency which led to the Industrial Revolution, which made it neccesary to establish a substitute system of the salarial incomes in case of the losses of them. The second conclusion can be resumed in the fact that the problem of the salarial independency and the solution of it, nowdays remain, which means that Social Security is even more necessary and viable than ever. 

Published online: 02 December 2014


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Author Biography

José Andrés Álvarez Patallo, Universidad de Deusto
Letrado de la Administración de la Seguridad SocialDoctor en Derecho por la Universidad de Deusto
How to Cite
Álvarez Patallo, José Andrés. 2014. “The Origin and Development of the Social Security: A Materialist Approach”. Estudios De Deusto 59 (2), 13-62.