Legal-constitutional analysis of the family in the national and international sphere. Proposals for a future regulation on the family institutio

Keywords: Family, family policies, legislation and art. 39 EC


With the aim of inspiring a future regulation on the family that would remedy the historical underfunding of family policies in Spain, and ensure that this essential institution of our society obtains a level of protection comparable to the rest of the countries of the European Union, we have analysed, from a constitutional perspective, the evolution of legislation on the family and its members at both national and international level.

Received: 11.03.2024
Accepted: 10.05.2024


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Author Biography

Beatriz Vila Ramos, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, España

Profesora Doctora de Derecho constitucional 

How to Cite
Vila Ramos, Beatriz. 2024. “Legal-Constitutional Analysis of the Family in the National and International Sphere. Proposals for a Future Regulation on the Family Institutio”. Estudios De Deusto 72 (1), 403-34.