Nuevas formas de contaminación y tributación. Contaminación acústica y paisajística en la fiscalidad española

  • Francisco Javier Alonso Madrigal Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. Facultad de Derecho (ICADE)
Keywords: Enviromental taxation, Noise and landscape pollution


Noise and landscape pollution are two kinds of environmental damage that are beginning to be considered by lawmakers as a reason for establishing new taxes and are also suggested by scholars and European agencies as a course for changing some of the actual ones. The surcharge on the Landing Charge established by the Air Quality and Atmosphere Protection Law and the inspection charges included in the Noise Law have been created as an answer to noise pollution. Moreover, there are some other taxes that could play a role in the fight against noise pollution activities. With regarding to landscape pollution, the Aragon’ environmental tax on the damage caused by the wire transport facilities is the one that states more plainly his landscape protection objet. Other regional taxes, that are similar to the Aragon one in the way they calculate their tax, could be considered as justified by the same goal.


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Author Biography

Francisco Javier Alonso Madrigal, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. Facultad de Derecho (ICADE)
Profesor de Derecho financiero y tributario
How to Cite
Alonso Madrigal, Francisco Javier. 2012. “Nuevas Formas De contaminación Y tributación. Contaminación Acústica Y paisajística En La Fiscalidad española”. Estudios De Deusto 57 (2), 13-48.