Los partidos monárquicos en Vizcaya durante la Segunda República

  • Javier Real Cuesta Universidad de Deusto
Keywords: political parties, monarchists, II República, Vizcaya, anti-liberalism


The liberal monarchical movement of Vizcaya, together with the industrial bourgeoisie, achieved the control of political representation in the Vizcaya Province. This was possible, thanks to the use they made of the social influence and the economic power they held during the long period of the «Restauración» of the Spanish monarchy. However, the development of nationalism, socialism, the increase of social unrest and the crisis in the system of government, influenced their hegemony and oriented their ideology towards anti-liberal and authoritarian positions. In addition, the arrival of the Republic radicalized this tendency. The following article attempts to explain what this process was like, its determining factors and its components. At the beginning, they present themselves as the defenders of the Catholic Church. However, in time, they embraced other views such as the anti-Marxist, anti-separatist attitudes, the authoritarian crisis and the rejection of democracy. These resulted in extreme anti-liberal positions, which offered no possibility of agreement and consensus with the other political parties.


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Author Biography

Javier Real Cuesta, Universidad de Deusto
Catedrático de Historia Contemporánea
How to Cite
Real Cuesta, Javier. 2012. “Los Partidos monárquicos En Vizcaya Durante La Segunda República”. Estudios De Deusto 57 (1), 209-35. https://doi.org/10.18543/ed-57(1)-2009pp209-235.