Bases históricas para la reforma del proceso laboral

  • Jaime Alemañ Cano Universidad de Alicante
Keywords: history of the labour process in Spain, possible reform of the labour process, improving the fundamental right to achieve greater effective remedy


The work process is in need of profound reform. This reform can only be reached by one of two ways: either by replacing the current law for another perfectly suited to the Code of Civil Procedure or by the repeal of the existing procedural rules and the integration of labor process in the civil law adjectival. This dual conclusion can be reached in this article which examines, in brief, the historical development of the labor process, and which appreciates the intimate attraction between the two procedural rules. In the current study, it emphasizes more strongly the test of integration because it would mean the elimination of a large number of special processes in place. Either way, the reform must occur in order to obtain maximum guarantees for the individual and, ultimately, achieve greater effective remedy as a fundamental right enshrined in the Spanish Constitution of 1978.


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Author Biography

Jaime Alemañ Cano, Universidad de Alicante
Profesor Titular doctor de EU
How to Cite
Alemañ Cano, Jaime. 2012. “Bases históricas Para La Reforma Del Proceso Laboral”. Estudios De Deusto 57 (1), 239-56.