¿Hacia una civilización universal? Una crítica del «choque de civilizaciones» de Huntington

  • Manuel María Urrutia León Universidad de Deusto
Keywords: Clash of civilizations, Cultural diversity, Islam, Universalism


From its appearance in 1993, the theory of the «clash of civilizations » of the political scientist Samuel P. Huntington has turned into one of the most spread and debated. In this article, after a meticulous reading of the book of Huntington, a series of fundamental critiques are presented to his paradigm for the global politics: his closed conception of the civilizations, his negative vision of the cultural diversity, his cultural relativism, etc. To end up by defending an alternative paradigm for the international relations: that of an intercultural dialogue based on the universal nucleus of the democracy and the human rights.


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Author Biography

Manuel María Urrutia León, Universidad de Deusto
Profesor de Sociología del Hecho Religioso
How to Cite
Urrutia León, Manuel María. 2012. “¿Hacia Una civilización Universal? Una crítica Del «choque De Civilizaciones» De Huntington”. Estudios De Deusto 56 (2), 105-33. https://doi.org/10.18543/ed-56(2)-2008pp105-133.