Constitutional dispositions in economic matter for the municipality in Mexico

  • Marisol Luna Leal
Keywords: Mexican municipality, economic matter, constitutional dispositions, administrative dispositions, municipal autonomy


The design and constitutional, legal and administrative dispositions that in economic matter have been implemented in municipal area formally have had as intention consolidates the municipal autonomy; as well as the effective and efficient compliance of the entrusted attributions. From the original constituent in 1917 there has been had clearly that without sufficiency budget –economic autonomy– might not, there will not even be able to exist political and administrative autonomy; and nowadays it is something that is observed with crystalline clarity by the deficient performance and economic crises that the mentioned local governments suffer. The decentralization of new normative attributions, as well as the transfer of federal resources, in very many cases they have generated problems, more than solutions; the municipalities have not corresponded with the institutional needed-wished capacity. In the mentioned context the present collaboration has as intention present a generic scheme of the economic, financial and tax situation of the Mexican municipalities, the foregoing, in order to draw –some– proposals of normative and administrative kind that they contribute to a better financial and economic scene of the mentioned entities of government.

Published online: 22 December 2015


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How to Cite
Luna Leal, Marisol. 2015. “Constitutional Dispositions in Economic Matter for the Municipality in Mexico”. Estudios De Deusto 63 (2), 153-72.