
For the time being, manuscripts should only be sent by email to the following address:

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published in any form, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The first page should include the title, author`s name, academic affiliation or profession, the number of ORCID, postal address, e-mail, and a telephone number. The second page should include two abstracts, in Spanish and in English, of about 120 words each, and a list of keywords (3 to 5 words), in both Spanish and English. Also, a title in English should be included (if the paper is written in Spanish) and in Spanish (if the paper is written in English). The total length of the paper should not exceed 30 pages (10,000 to 12,000 words).
  • The main text is preceded by a brief summary of the different sections of the structure of the manuscript, in Spanish or English depending on the language of the paper. The paper should include full bibliographic references on the last page.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Chicago Style Manual, Author-Date system.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Every effort has been made to ensure the integrity of the blind peer-review.

Author Guidelines

Last update: 09/02/2022

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1. General Information

Estudios Deusto. Revista de Derecho Público publishes twice a year (June and December) original research articles in English or in Spanish about the different areas of Public Law.

No charges for manuscript submission, processing, reviewing and publication are applicable.

Estudios Deusto. Revista de Derecho Público publishes book or scientific publications, but does not accept unsolicited book or publication reviews. Suggestions of titles for book reviews are however welcome.

2. Submission of originals

 Manuscripts must be original and unpublished and can be written in Spanish or English, in Microsoft word or compatible format like OpenOffice, RTF o WordPerfect. They should be sent by email to the following address:

3. Format

The first page should include the title, author`s name, academic affiliation or profession, the number of ORCID, postal address, e-mail, and a telephone number. The second page should include two abstracts, in Spanish and in English, of about 120 words each, and a list of keywords (3 to 5 words), in both Spanish and English. Also a title in English should be included (if the paper is written in Spanish). The total length of the paper should not exceed 30 pages (10,000 to 12,000 words).

The main text is preceded by a brief summary of the different sections of the structure of the manuscript, in Spanish or English depending on the language of the paper. The paper should include full bibliographic references on the last page.

The paragraphs will be in single line spacing (1), justified and the first line indented in a tab. The type and size of the letter will be Times New Roman 12. In the footnotes the type and size of the letter will be Times New Roman 10. The title of the article in Times New Roman 14, capital letters, bold and centered. The titles of the different sections of the article: First range of section: I. Times New Roman 12, capital letters and bold. Second section range: 1. Times New Roman 12, lowercase and bold. Third range of section: 1.1. Times New Roman 12, lowercase and italics. Fourth range of section: 1.1.1. Times New Roman 12, lowercase. The following ranges of sections if necessary in Times New Roman 12, lowercase and preceded first by an uppercase letter followed by a parenthesis, and second by a lowercase letter followed by a parenthesis.

 4. Editing standards

 The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS), 16th or later edition, should be used as a reference for manuscript preparation, preferably using the ‘Author-Date’ system for formatting citations and references.

5. Languages

Authors are reminded that it is their sole responsibility to ensure that the use of English or Spanish in their manuscripts is adequate, and that they can resort to professional language editing services, preferably prior to first submission.

6. Submissions

Manuscripts should only be sent by email to the following address: Manuscripts not conforming to the Journal author guidelines will be returned to authors without peer review.

Authors will receive an acknowledgment of receipt from the Journal within a maximum period of 7 days. Within this period, they will be notified of the acceptance of the work for the purposes of its subsequent peer evaluation or the rejection for not respecting the criteria that have been indicated in terms of the format, languages or focus and scope of the Journal. If the rejection is motivated by format issues, the manuscript can be corrected and therefore it can be accepted and submitted to the corresponding peer review. On the other hand, if the rejection is due to the fact that the manuscript is not in English or Spanish or if it is because the manuscript does not address aspects of Public Law, the manuscript will be rejected without being evaluated.

7. Peer review

Estudios Deusto. Revista de Derecho Público Journal uses a “double blind peer review”, mandatory anonymity for both the reviewer and reviewed author throughout the review process. Hence, every effort should be made to prevent the disclosure of their identities to each other. It is our intention that all non-reviewed manuscripts will be sent back within 7 days of submission. For manuscripts accepted for review, the process shall last 2-3 months.

8. Submission and Publication Fees

Currently, no charges for manuscript submission, processing, reviewing and publication are applicable.


More and updated information can be sought from the Editor (Professor Luis Ignacio Gordillo Pérez, and/or Managing Editor (Professor Belén García Álvarez, and/or the Journal itself ( The mailing address is the following:

Faculty of Law, University of Deusto

Avda. de las Universidades 24

48014 Bilbao, Spain

Privacy Statement

The personal data, such as names and email addresses, entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party, in accordance with the privacy policy of the University of Deusto (