The exercise of economic competences in the European Union: is possible another policy?

  • Daniel Guerra Sesma
Keywords: Integration, Europe, sovereignty, economic policy, subsidiarity, federalism


European integration is diffuse, it combine economical and political aspects and means the assignment of part of her competences from the Member States. The european State-nation of 50´s-70´s years, more industrial and with fiscal sufficiency, was an appropriate framework for the development of social democrat policies. Nevertheless, economic globalization, Reagan and Thatcher´s neoliberal policies parting from 80´s years, and a consecrated to domestic market european construction have transformed that framework. It´s analized the legal framework that rules the economic policy in the EU, and parting from it arises if there is a definition of economic policy and which are its principles. In afirmative case, it´s questioned if we can talk about not just an economic policy «in» EU, but about an economic policy «of» EU. If there is, who defines it and who implement it, and if is possible the development of a different policy. Parting from case of the Greece with Syriza, it arises finally if with the correlation of forces in European Council and Parliament, and attending the changes of government in countries of southern Europe (Greece, Portugal, Spain?), it could be a change of direction in this issue. 

Published online: 29 December 2016


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How to Cite
Guerra Sesma, Daniel. 2016. “The Exercise of Economic Competences in the European Union: Is Possible Another Policy?”. Estudios De Deusto 64 (2), 43-65.