«Ethnic economy» as a motor for economic, legal, social and labour integration of immigrant entrepreneurs in Spain and the European Union

  • Ana Tomás López
Keywords: Ethnic economy, Integration, Ethnic business, Immigrant entrepreneurship


The business and economic initiative of foreigners, which we refer to as «ethnic economy» or «ethnic business», constitutes a very relevant component of growth, not only for our nation but also for all European countries. It emerges as a source of economic growth, bridge towards the social mobility and entrepreneurship; as well as an effective instrument for combating social stigma and the transformation of negative and stereotyped image around the figure of immigrant. Based on this premise, the present paper aims to show and highlight the (hypothetical) relation between the economic constitution, the state labor laws and the adoption of effective public policies, able to attract and consolidate foreign businesses with future forecast in Spain and the European Union. 

Published online: 29 December 2016


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How to Cite
López, Ana Tomás. 2016. “«Ethnic Economy» As a Motor for Economic, Legal, Social and Labour Integration of Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Spain and the European Union”. Estudios De Deusto 64 (2), 345-65. https://doi.org/10.18543/ed-64(2)-2016pp345-365.