Falsification of medical products and similar crimes against public health: international influences and national regulations

  • Daniel González Uriel
Keywords: Counterfeiting, medicines, Council of Europe, public health, medical devices


The present study aims to analyze the impact it has had on the Spanish legal system the appearance of the Council of Europe Convention on counterfeit medicines and similar crimes against public health, and the enactment of European legislation on the subject. It has been produced, based on the effect of those behaviors, a response of international scope, given the importance of such unlawful, trying to harmonize domestic laws, as it has highlighted the seriousness of such behavior and the risks involved. Counterfeiting of medicines is a major threat to public health and patient confidence, and States should coordinate their action in this area. 

Published online: 30 July 2017


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How to Cite
González Uriel, Daniel. 2017. “Falsification of Medical Products and Similar Crimes Against Public Health: International Influences and National Regulations”. Estudios De Deusto 65 (1), 151-83. https://doi.org/10.18543/ed-65(1)-2017pp151-183.