Investment arbitration between the European Union and Singapore: from the Investor-State Dispute Settlement to an Investment Court System?

  • Sophie Recio San Emeterio Universidad de Deusto
Keywords: Arbitration, European Union, Singapore, Investment Court System, TTIP, CETA


The investment arbitration regime between the European Union (EU) and Singapore has gone from the Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanism suggested in the 2015 draft of the EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement to an Investment Court System in the 2018 draft of the EU-Singapore Investment Protection Agreement (EUSIPA). Such evolution is built upon: a) the changes in form and substance introduced by the EUSIPA; and, b) a comparative analysis of the Investment Court Systems foreseen for the EUSIPA, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, and the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.

Received: 10 February 2019
Accepted: 21 June 2019
Published online: 31 July 2019


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How to Cite
Recio San Emeterio, Sophie. 2019. “Investment Arbitration Between the European Union and Singapore: From the Investor-State Dispute Settlement to an Investment Court System?”. Estudios De Deusto 67 (1), 353-83.
Premio «Juan Churruca»