“La libertà è partecipazione”: local political participation in Italy, between laws and reality

  • Ciro Milione Universidad de Córdoba
Keywords: Italy, policy, local, participation, abstentionism


It is commonly said that the local policy is the political dimension closest to citizens and the most suitable to determine, on a daily and collective basis, their welfare. This premise, however, can only be given on two conditions, which both concern every citizen and the public authorities called to administer local policies: the existence of a willingness to participate critically and actively and the existence of suitable, effective, and real conditions to achieve this participation. This study analyzes local political participation in Italy, from the 1970s onwards, and seeks to provide answers to a worrying and extremely current phenomenon: abstentionism.

Received: 10.11.2021
Accepted: 13.12.2021


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Author Biography

Ciro Milione, Universidad de Córdoba

Profesor Titular de Derecho Constitucional
Facultad de Derecho y CC. EE. y EE.

How to Cite
Milione, Ciro. 2021. “‘La Libertà è partecipazione’: Local Political Participation in Italy, Between Laws and Reality”. Estudios De Deusto 69 (2), 149-84. https://doi.org/10.18543/ed-69(2)-2021pp149-184.