Social peace as an objective projection of a possible constitutional right to emotional well-being in the Spanish and European framework

  • Abdelhamid Adnane Rkioua Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla
Keywords: Freedom of expression, emotional well-being, subjective right, social peace


The present work defends the taking into consideration of religious feelings as participants in social peace, considered as a protectable legal asset. This implies a redimensioning of the scope of freedom of expression, allowing its reasonable limitation as long as it can be of great value to social conscience. Limitation that has to disappear or, at least, to relax when this concept is not fundamental for said conscience and does not contribute to the maintenance of the invoked social peace.

Received: 18.04.2022
Accepted: 14.06.2022


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How to Cite
Adnane Rkioua, Abdelhamid. 2022. “Social Peace As an Objective Projection of a Possible Constitutional Right to Emotional Well-Being in the Spanish and European Framework”. Estudios De Deusto 70 (1), 161-91.