The German Basic Law in its Sixtieth Anniversary

  • Michael Sachs Universidad de Colonia (Alemania)
Keywords: Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany, Constitution Reform, Federalism, framework, constitutional strengthening


The important validity of the German Constitutional Law of 1949 allow to do a gaze with hindsight in order to appreciate how has been clarifying progressively its regulations and its effectiveness. In this context, it’s particularly interesting to analyze the development of questions like, for example, the federalism subject, aspects relating to the Public Treasury, power’s distribution, the State organization, the reinforcement of the democratic principle and the warranty of the fundamental and constitutional rights. This subject becomes more interest if we take account of the adaptation of the German Constitution eventually to the successive and particular reforms of it that it has been undertaken. This work is a brief summary but detailed of the more important phases of that evolution. 

Published online: 04 December 2014


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Author Biography

Michael Sachs, Universidad de Colonia (Alemania)
Catedrático de Derecho Constitucional
How to Cite
Sachs, Michael. 2014. “The German Basic Law in Its Sixtieth Anniversary”. Estudios De Deusto 59 (1), 229-57.