Towards the «constitutionalization» of a European criminal justice? Substantive and procedural aspects of the right to an effective remedy after the Lisbon Treaty

  • Valentina Faggiani Universidad de Granada
Keywords: AFSJ, materially constitutional elements, harmonization of procedural rights, right to effective judicial protection


The Lisbon Treaty has determined a milestone in the process of building a European Area of Justice which guarantees fully and effectively the right to effective judicial protection and due process with all guarantees, introducing «materially constitutional» elements, substantive and procedural, which have innovated the legal framework of the Union and will encourage the process of harmonization of the various European systems of criminal justice.

Published online: 27 November 2014


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Author Biography

Valentina Faggiani, Universidad de Granada
Investigadora del Departamento de Derecho Constitucional
How to Cite
Faggiani, Valentina. 2014. “Towards the «constitutionalization» of a European Criminal Justice? Substantive and Procedural Aspects of the Right to an Effective Remedy After the Lisbon Treaty”. Estudios De Deusto 60 (2), 239-62.
Constitution and EU Law