El convenio relativo a la protección del niño y a la cooperación en materia de adopción internacional, hecho en La Haya el 29 mayo 1993: una aproximación heterodoxa

  • Alfonso Luis Calvo Caravaca Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Javier Carrascosa González Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Convention on the protection of the child and co-operation in respect of intercountry adoption, applicable Law to the psyco-social conditions of the adoption


The Hague Convention on the protection of the child and co-operation in respect of intercountry adoption, signed on May 29, 1993 does not specify which is the Law applicable to the psyco-social conditions of the adoptive parents and the adopted child. This paper makes a new proposal. There is no need of specyfing any applicable Law to that issue. The competent authorities should ascertaing an adequate psyco-social enviroment for the adopted child taking into account factual information and not by the application of any particular State Law.


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Author Biographies

Alfonso Luis Calvo Caravaca, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Catedrático de Derecho internacional privado
Javier Carrascosa González, Universidad de Murcia
Profesor titular de Derecho internacional privado
How to Cite
Calvo Caravaca, Alfonso Luis, and Javier Carrascosa González. 2012. “El Convenio Relativo a La protección Del niño Y a La cooperación En Materia De adopción Internacional, Hecho En La Haya El 29 Mayo 1993: Una aproximación Heterodoxa”. Estudios De Deusto 57 (2), 77-92. https://doi.org/10.18543/ed-57(2)-2009pp77-92.

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