Sucesión internacional y reenvío

  • Alfonso Luis Calvo Caravaca Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Javier Carrascosa González Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Renvoi, Succession, Last domicile, Lex rei sitae, Testaments, National Law, Conflict of Laws


The last judgments of the Spanish Courts have given a relevant role to the so called renvoi. As an instrument of Justice in the world of Conflicts of Laws, renvoi can be used as legal device to improve localization of «international» successions. This essay shows how the three most remarkable decisions of the Spanish Supreme Court concerning renvoi in the field of succession can be listened like three different movements played by one single orchestra. Renvoi in favor of the Spanish Substantive Law may be accepted when the deceased’s last domicile was in Spain and all the inmovables involved in the succession are situated in Spain. In any case, renvoi can not provoke the legal splitting of the succession, because under Spanish Law, succession must be governed by one single Law only.


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Author Biographies

Alfonso Luis Calvo Caravaca, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Catedrático de Derecho internacional privado
Javier Carrascosa González, Universidad de Murcia
Profesor titular de Derecho internacional privado
How to Cite
Calvo Caravaca, Alfonso Luis, and Javier Carrascosa González. 2012. “Sucesión Internacional Y reenvío”. Estudios De Deusto 55 (2), 59-121.

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