Registration of the Cordoba’s Mosque-Cathedral: Protection of heritage and constitutional relevance

  • Miguel Agudo Zamora
Keywords: Mosque-cathedral, registration, Catholic Church, equality, secularism, unconstitutionality, protection of heritage


In this paper, based on the case of the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordova, we outlines the arguments on which to base a possible unconstitutionality of Article 206 of the Mortgage Act, concerning the violation of the constitutional principles of secularism and equality, with references to Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights «SA of Ucieza against Spain», which has a specific relevance to the subject of our study. Finally, we analyze the duty of protection of historical and cultural heritage of Andalusia and the possible use of the «cuestión de constitucionalidad» as a means of action of the Junta de Andalucía in relation to the registration of the Mosque-Cathedral.

Published online: 22 December 2015


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How to Cite
Agudo Zamora, Miguel. 2015. “Registration of the Cordoba’s Mosque-Cathedral: Protection of Heritage and Constitutional Relevance”. Estudios De Deusto 63 (2), 15-45.