Familiar and Familial: Basque/Spanish-Filipinos Vis-á-Vis, ASEAN, EU, and Euskadi

  • José Mari Tirol Uriondo University of San Agustin College of Law
Keywords: Dual nationality/citizenship, ASEAN, EU, Euskadi, Spanish-Filipino, Basque-Filipino


Basques and other Iberians have been travelling to the Philippines since 1521 or for almost half a millennium now, initially when the archipelago was a Spanish dominion from the 16th to the late 19th centuries. They sailed to the islands to administer the colony, spread the word of God, and seek their fortunes. Not a few established families and founded enterprises, some of which still exist.

Spanish sovereignty ended in 1898 but Basques1 and Spaniards continued to journey to the Philippines during the American period (1899-1946), as they do until now.

The movement of people also went the other way, as many Filipinos have been going to Spain for hundreds of years.

So it should be no surprise that there are about 115,000 persons who are citizens of both countries2. And for Basques and Spaniards to have relatives in the Philippines; the mother of the current Spanish Ambassador was born there3. These transnational ties are the reasons for this study.

It examines the rules on citizenship in the Constitutions, laws, and legal sources of Spain and the Philippines. It investigates the effect on their citizens of their respective regional groups, the European Union (EU) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). And it explores how persons of Filipino and Iberian ancestry and/or dual citizenship can situate themselves within the citizenship frameworks of both countries and regions, and how Filipinos with Basque ancestry can situate themselves in the Basque Country.

Received: 01.10.2019
Accepted: 21.11.2019
Published online: 31.12.2019


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Author Biography

José Mari Tirol Uriondo, University of San Agustin College of Law

Dean and Professor

How to Cite
Tirol Uriondo, José Mari. 2019. “Familiar and Familial: Basque/Spanish-Filipinos Vis-á-Vis, ASEAN, EU, and Euskadi”. Estudios De Deusto 67 (2), 65-86. https://doi.org/10.18543/ed-67(2)-2019pp65-86.
Special Issue