Right to the truth and canons of veracity

  • Ana Galdámez Morales Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: Truth, veracity, post-truth, Freedom of press, public opinion


It is not important that the fact of the news corresponds to the truth —to reality—. The essential thing for the constitutional protection of information —apart from public relevance— is the respect of the other limit: veracity. It is an obsolete concept in the context of digital communication, and requires a reformulation according to the circumstances of our present. In this sense, the profile of the person who exercises the right is decisive: it is not possible to apply the same concept of veracity to a journalist —a mass media professional, subject to a duty of diligence— than to the speech that a citizen publishes on their social networks. The communication paradigm has changed and, with it, so must the legal categories we handle. Based on this need for renewal, this paper has been prepared to suggest the transition from the classic concept of veracity, to a range of veracity´s canons.

Received: 23.11.2021
Accepted: 13.12.2021


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Author Biography

Ana Galdámez Morales, Universidad de Sevilla

Contratada predoctoral FPU, Departamento de Derecho Constitucional de la Universidad de Sevilla

How to Cite
Galdámez Morales, Ana. 2021. “Right to the Truth and Canons of Veracity”. Estudios De Deusto 69 (2), 77-110. https://doi.org/10.18543/ed-69(2)-2021pp77-110.