Some constitutional and legal aspects regarding the pirate ship capture on deep sea. The Spanish Navy police’s role, boarding and inspection of the ship as well as necessary steps for the detention of the suspects

  • Alberto Oehling de los Reyes Universidad de las Islas Baleares
Keywords: Spanish Navy, Spanish Constitution, human rights, fundamental rights, person’s dignity


The strengthening of legal ways to guarantee the human right’s respect of the prisoners or the persons under arrest made by the members of the Army in foreign operations is a cuestion of undoubted constitutional importance. That interest has had more significance in Spain with the growing implication and riskiness of the soldier’ missions abroad; for example: Irak, Afganistán o la Operación Atalanta. This work has the objective of doing an approximate analysis of how the Spanish Navy, can arrest pirates trying to preserve the human rights of the arrested persons and, further away, in favour of the guarantee, if possible, of the fundamental rights content in the Constitution of 1978. 

Published online: 04 December 2014


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Author Biography

Alberto Oehling de los Reyes, Universidad de las Islas Baleares
Doctor en Derecho. Profesor de Derecho Constitucional
How to Cite
Oehling de los Reyes, Alberto. 2014. “Some Constitutional and Legal Aspects Regarding the Pirate Ship Capture on Deep Sea. The Spanish Navy police’s Role, Boarding and Inspection of the Ship As Well As Necessary Steps for the Detention of the Suspects”. Estudios De Deusto 59 (1), 133-81.