The labour reform of 2012: decoding reforms of the previous government, trying to implement the flexisecurity stravaganza. What is new?

  • Francisco Javier Arrieta Idiakez Universidad de Deusto
Keywords: Labour reform of 2012, flexisecurity, measures to promote employability, promotion of long-term contracts, internal and external flexibility


A new government, and new labour reform. In this case, decoding the inefficient, tortuous and incomprehensible reforms of the previous government is needed. This is clear from reading the Explanatory Memorandum to Royal Decree Law 3/2012 of 12 February, on urgent measures to reform the labour market. Specifically, with regards to the Social Security System, the phenomenon of being unable to “save something for a rainy day” is becoming ever present on a day to day basis, given the decline in numbers of contributors, and the increase in unemployed and retired individuals. To this we must add, our society’s increased life expectancy, and the rising expense of funding our health care systems. The new labour reform attempts to address all of these factors. This being not because our leaders have come to terms with the new reality, but as the Explanatory Memorandum to the Royal Decree Law 3/2012, states, because it appears that the European and global economic institutions understand better what is occurring to the Spanish labour market. Hence the new government having promised to behave, be obedient and a good sport, and apply the formula proposed by these international institutions, in order to overcome the crisis, the solution to it all: flexisecurity. What is this about?

Published online: 01 December 2014


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Author Biography

Francisco Javier Arrieta Idiakez, Universidad de Deusto
Profesor de Derecho del Trabajo
How to Cite
Arrieta Idiakez, Francisco Javier. 2014. “The Labour Reform of 2012: Decoding Reforms of the Previous Government, Trying to Implement the Flexisecurity Stravaganza. What Is New?”. Estudios De Deusto 60 (1), 57-79.