International data transfer and individual liberties: a study of data protection legislation

  • Elena García-Cuevas Roque Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Keywords: international data transfer, European Supervisor, personal data


The protection of privacy and individual liberties in general from international data transfer has been and remains a constant source of concern not only for legal professionals but also for citizens in general, who are after all the potential victims of abuses. From this standpoint, it is essential to study and understand existing national and international legislation governing data transfer and protection, an ever-expanding field in the face of technological progress.

Published online: 27 November 2014


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Author Biography

Elena García-Cuevas Roque, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Doctora en Derecho. Profesora Asociada Departamento Derecho Político
How to Cite
García-Cuevas Roque, Elena. 2014. “International Data Transfer and Individual Liberties: A Study of Data Protection Legislation”. Estudios De Deusto 60 (2), 171-93.
Constitution and International Law