The 2010 Labour Market Reform. Which reform option?

  • Francisco Javier Arrieta Idiakez Universidad de Deusto
Keywords: 2010 labour market reform, duality between temporary contracts and indefinite contracts, internal flexibility, job placement


This study analyzes the labour market reform implemented by Law 35/2010, of 17 September, on urgent measures to reform the labour market. In order to achieve this objective, first of all, the context will be studied. Secondly, the three main objectives of the reform will be looked at, i.e, the reduction of the duality between temporary contracts and indefinite contracts, the reinforcement of instruments to obtain internal flexibility within enterprises and the increase of the possibilities of unemployed people to start working again. But this study does not only describe the changes carried out, it also seeks to give different alternatives. Moreover, within these alternatives, even institutions which have not been reformed are addressed.

Published online: 05 December 2014


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Author Biography

Francisco Javier Arrieta Idiakez, Universidad de Deusto
Profesor doctor de Derecho del Trabajo
How to Cite
Arrieta Idiakez, Francisco Javier. 2014. “The 2010 Labour Market Reform. Which Reform Option?”. Estudios De Deusto 58 (2), 61-95.