La nueva ley sobre el contrato de transporte terrestre de mercancías: una primera aproximación

  • Carlos Llorente Gómez de Segura Universidad de Deusto
Keywords: Contract, carriage, cargo, reform, regulation


After a well-thought and calmed debate, an Act on the carriage of goods by land has been approved, which substitutes timely and permanently the old and disorganized legislation in force in Spain on this matter. The new Act updates the basic rules applicable to these contracts and does it with a good legal technique and following fully-accepted model legislation. This positive evaluation, however, is not exempted from critical views based on the legislator’s lack of decision in addressing questions such as the regulation of transport intermediaries and carriage subcontracting. Some of the new rules will sound familiar to transport operators, especially those working in the area of international carriage of goods by road, but it is highly advisable to start with an immediate task of divulging the new legislation rules, a goal towards which this article is aimed.


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Author Biography

Carlos Llorente Gómez de Segura, Universidad de Deusto
Profesor de Derecho mercantil
How to Cite
Llorente Gómez de Segura, Carlos. 2012. “La Nueva Ley Sobre El Contrato De Transporte Terrestre De mercancías: Una Primera aproximación”. Estudios De Deusto 57 (2), 93-165.