Aportaciones especiales de derecho y equidad en las vicisitudes del concurso

  • Manuel María Zorrilla Ruiz Universidad de Deusto
Keywords: Insolvency, External opinions of law, Mediation, Transmission of the enterprise, Economic freedom


The prevailing procedure of insolvency admits the benefits consisting in the reception of external opinions and the actions of an equitable mediation. The first concerns to the unity of the enterprises hidden under the appearence of plurality, to the notion of people specially related with the debtor, to the designation of the delegates of the administration, to the assign of specific attributions, to the level of the duty diligence and to the idea of juste cause. The second shows the importance of the task developped by the mediators to assure the future viability of the enterprise and the best level of occupation. The continuity of the industrial activities, instead of the unavoidable auction of the enterprise or its elements, shows clearly the nature of fundamental rigth accquired by the economic freedom.


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Author Biography

Manuel María Zorrilla Ruiz, Universidad de Deusto
Catedrático Emérito de la Universidad de DeustoEx Presidente del Tribunal Superior de Justicia del País VascoPresidente de la Asociación de Jueces y Magistrados Jubilados de España
How to Cite
Zorrilla Ruiz, Manuel María. 2012. “Aportaciones Especiales De Derecho Y Equidad En Las Vicisitudes Del Concurso”. Estudios De Deusto 56 (2), 165-87. https://doi.org/10.18543/ed-56(2)-2008pp165-187.