El mundo del jurista: hechos, conceptos y soluciones

  • Ricardo de Ángel Yágüez Universidad de Deusto
Keywords: The Law, its theory and practice, The jurist and his «world», Facts and concepts relating to the study and application of the Law, The solution to the legal problems


The author in this essay aims to examine the Law from the point of view of its «main character», i.e., the jurist. In doing so, he takes into account the three main elements related to the jurist’s work. Firstly, the facts, i.e., the story behind every legal problem, in the legal practice as well as in the academic profession. Secondly, the concepts, as the word by which the author wants to summarize what we usually know as the legal dogmatic, i.e., the scientific thoughts that the jurist uses in order to get to a final solution. And finally, the outcome itself, that the author calls «solutions». The present is an analysis that uses as targets the existence and the experience that the jurist –every jurist– does experience. That is why there is a mention to the worries that are common to everyone who develops any legal professional activity.


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Author Biography

Ricardo de Ángel Yágüez, Universidad de Deusto
Catedrático de Derecho civil
How to Cite
de Ángel Yágüez, Ricardo. 2012. “El Mundo Del Jurista: Hechos, Conceptos Y Soluciones”. Estudios De Deusto 56 (2), 219-45. https://doi.org/10.18543/ed-56(2)-2008pp219-245.