Derecho aplicable a los contratos celebrados a través de Internet

  • Luís de Lima Pinheiro Universidad de Lisboa
Keywords: International Contracts, Internet, Law applicable


Contracts celebrated through the Internet are frequently International Contracts, because they have a special contact with more than one Sovereign State. In this arena, in addition to the general problems posed by International Contracts, there are specific difficulties related to the identification and localization of the contracting parties. This article analyzes the general framework of this issue and studies the main principles of the determination of the Law applicable to Contracts celebrated through the Internet.


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Author Biography

Luís de Lima Pinheiro, Universidad de Lisboa
Catedrático de Derecho internacional privado
How to Cite
Pinheiro, Luís de Lima. 2012. “Derecho Aplicable a Los Contratos Celebrados a través De Internet”. Estudios De Deusto 54 (2), 151-98.