Horizontal and vertical communication in the American and European systems of protection of human rights on the right to the natural judge. Towards a global right to human rights

  • Alexandre H. Català i Bas
  • Marcela Ortíz Torricos
Keywords: Horizontal and vertical communication, ECHR, IACHR, Natural Judge


The analysis of the American systems of protection of the human rights has concluded in the existence of a vertical communication between the supranational court and the state courts and a horizontal communication between ECHR and IACHR. These relations must be bidirectional. And in Europe, some cases of jurisprudence influence have been already detected by a state court in the ECHR. It anyways continues being predominant the up-down influence in both systems. However the relation between both systems even there is this bidirectional setting, it is needed to starring the higher influence of the ECHR above the CIDH. These affirmations are constituted by the study of the right to the natural judge. 

Published online: 30 July 2017


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How to Cite
Català i Bas, Alexandre H., and Marcela Ortíz Torricos. 2017. “Horizontal and Vertical Communication in the American and European Systems of Protection of Human Rights on the Right to the Natural Judge. Towards a Global Right to Human Rights”. Estudios De Deusto 65 (1), 73-121. https://doi.org/10.18543/ed-65(1)-2017pp73-121.