Generalization of the practical thinking about the specific samples of criminality

  • Manuel María Zorrilla Ruiz
Keywords: recepción, tipos delictivos, punto de inflexión, período de madurez, Escuela de los Prácticos


The ordination of the western criminal law shows a detail in the phenomene of the reception of the civil and canonical law. One of the most dense latin versions is due to Julio Claro de Alejandria, pertaining to the Practical School, introducer in Spain of a ripe and reflexive period. He surpasses the main advances of the roman sources and the effort performed by the gloss. After the general consideration of the criminal models, the specific analisis includes the tipes of adulterium, assasinium, blasphemia, falsum, fornicatio, incestus, herejía, lesa majestas, parricidium, ludus, perjurium, raptus, sacrilegium, simonía, sodomía and estuprum. The editions used and the motley latin version show the inflexion point between the attention to the fusion of the significant events of the History and the scientific reflections due to its appearance.

Published online: 23 December 2014


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How to Cite
Zorrilla Ruiz, Manuel María. 2014. “Generalization of the Practical Thinking about the Specific Samples of Criminality”. Estudios De Deusto 62 (2), 347-87.